Monday, August 16, 2010

Once more into the beech....

...Or to be more specific, my front yard...(and that's right, I said "Beech"). We have a tree in our front yard that drops these little spikey seed pods on my very delicate front lawn, that if you combed it with a brush, it'd come out of the ground about as easily as and over inflated and subsequently greased exsersise ball would fly
out from under one's equally greased, (and dare I say, overinflated), Bum. What better way to illustrate these little demons of the tree than
by providing an illustration, (motions to my right with white gloves)-->

And for those of you with a penchant for the written word, a definition.

a. A deciduous tree of the genus Fagus having smooth gray bark, alternate simple leaves, and three-angled nuts enclosed in prickly burs.

Okay, that was a stretch, but it illustrates my point that when these little seed pods land on my very delicate and fine grass, they grab on and won't let go, especially when using a plastic leaf rake. Stepping on said grass only leaves footprints and going over the whole lawn on my hands and knees only makes it appear matted and it stays this way for days. I may go so far as to invent a rudimentary gantry constructed from spare Lego's that I have laying around, and before you laugh, all I have to say is if it's good enough for James May, it's good enough for me.

I can hear some of you saying, "well, why did you plant that kind of grass?" or "Why did you plant that tree?" I didn't. We rent to own this place we plan to grow old in, but before that happens and after we buy this place, that tree is going DOWN.

...'think I'll plant a redwood.....


  1. have you tried vacuuming the yard?

  2. Perhaps you should weponize said spiky balls. Then arm the local chipmunk populace with tiny little morning stars. And you, yes you will lead thm to glory!!!


    Well, it's all I can think of everytime I see the little spikey balls protruding from the bottom of my shoe......

  3. Yup...just about as painful as steppin' on a Lego brick,...
