Thursday, November 25, 2010
Think Positively
So here the advice; "Live it" (Yeah, I know, right? Pretty short and lazy of me, huh?)
Take a good step back and look "behind you". Not literally, because if you're at work, no doubt, your boss will be standing there tapping his foot and if you're in a room full of relatives, they'll all think you're looking guilty for browsing something naughty. But I digress...look where you've been and then ask, "Have I done my greatest thing yet?" In the case of people with children, I guess you can say "yes" followed by "and I'm paying for it" or if you're lucky, "and I'm proud". So, excluding proud parents, if you looked around and discovered that your greatest joy hasn't yet been realized, the only person to make it happen is you. Corny, I know, but I actually "got off the couch", (which isn't easy because I'm a house husband and it's always there lulling me to have a nap).
Here's how I came to this epiphany. I turned 40. On that birthday, my wife bought me a guitar and the whole notion behind it was simply that it wasn't a sports car. - But - with the *guitar*, I could potentially buy as many sports cars I wanted. (side note: Dream car = 1967 sunshine yellow Ford Mustang w/289 V8 and stock "everything"). I'm 44 and if I hadn't decided to chase my rock star dreams, I wouldn't be gearing up to recording an album with two very talented guys right now. A big part if this is how I changed my thinking from "aww, this sucks" to "ahh, it's only temporary, we'll get through this". Also, I didn't let go.
I have this vision in my head that I hang on to when I get discouraged. It's a simple vision; it's the view from a stage overlooking thousands of screaming fans. Those of you who've ever been on stage in this capacity know what kind of a rush that can give a person. The mere thought of it, on some days, gets me motivated. So, find that vision, whatever it may be, hold tight to it and "keep plugging at it" (another side note: Alan Doyle of Great Big Sea told me this when I had 1 song under my belt...I now have 52 with three 'backstage' still being worked on).
You've heard a phrase thrown around a lot; "The power of positive thinking" and once I started to look at life from under THAT umbrella things started changing for the better.
Case in point: Our old motto, (my wife and I), used to be "If we can survive this, we can survive anything" because I, at one point, lost my job to the Dot Bombs that fell in Silicon Valley, I also lost functionality of both my kidneys, and eventually I wound up in the back of an ambulance hearing nothing but white noise until the paramedic asked, "do you want Morphine?" (yet another side note: DUH!?) The fun didn't stop with that night because I had remained on "CAPD" Dialysis for a year and three months before my then-girlfriend, (who hates doctors, hospitals, emergency rooms, syringes and anything that smells remotely like a hospital), donated a kidney to me. (yeah, she's my WIFE now).
My point being is that the motto; "If we can survive this, we can survive anything" just temped the fates and they'd say things like, "...oh yeah? How about surviving THIS", and "you ain’t seen nothing yet" We'd be dealt life-challenges a lot, but we'd get through it.
So, when we moved to where we live now, we changed that motto to "Life is good and getting better"; a delicate, easy, and "event-free" way of looking at things which has done wonders for our lifestyle, albeit we've had a couple of setbacks, but with our positive outlook, those setbacks weren't really too hard to overcome. It's kind of like when you practice the guitar - your fingers hurt at first and then you get the calluses and the pain leaves.
I've said quite a lot to simply say "stay positive" but I really believe in this stuff, so keep your chin up, laugh at adversity, help your fellow man or woman (or cat, dog, lizzard, snake, spider, etc...), and know that life is, indeed, good....and getting better.
Sing, Dance, Live,
Junkyard Academy
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Bonaparte - Junkyard Academy (Original) ©2010 by Lewis Nowosad
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Goin' Down - Acoustic with Dave Coldren of Junkyard Academy (Original) ©...
Junkyard Academy has added two new members to the band.
Dave Coldren met Lewis Nowosad as the result of a posting on Craigslist. Lewis was hoping to hook up with musicians to play Barenaked Ladies tunes together in the capacity of a tribute band. Later, they attended two BNL hosted cruises and got to know each other more. Eventually, Lewis and Dave wound up in Dave’s living room playing the originals Lewis had been working on and Dave agreed to join the band.
"I'm tickled pink to share a stage with this guy", Says Lewis Nowosad, JYA's lead singer and guitarist, "He takes music seriously. I mean, if you cut him in half, a million little musicians would come flying out - he's good for the band".
Dave has been playing since he was 16. He currently plays at 3 different churches and teaches piano both at home and at Guitar Showcase in San Jose, California. While at UC Berkeley, he played with Dead-influenced Lektric Submarine Dance Band (later Goliards and Vicious Hippies), and Blue Cartoon. Dave's musical influences are many - (Roy Bitten and Danny Federici (Springsteen), Jackson Browne, Elton John, Beatles, Nicky Hopkins, Jerry Garcia, Stephen Sondheim, Barenaked Ladies, Guster and lots more.
Junkyard Academy is also looking forward to the delivery of their Bassist Paul Imel. Yes, "delivery". He attended High School with Lewis in Morgan Hill California back in the mid Eighties. Twenty-five years later they reconnected via Facebook, only to discover that each had always thought the other was the "cool" kid.
When Lewis asked Paul about his playing bass guitar, despite the fact that Paul hadn't played a bass in about twenty years, he suggested Paul move from Indiana back to California to play bass for Junkyard Academy. Paul decided to give it a shot, borrowed a broken bass, (no sound came out of the amp), to get his chops back, and eventually purchased very nice Schecter neck-in bass, (this one works), to play in the band.
Paul has a music degree from Greenville College in Illinois, and his influences range from the Beatles to seventies rock to modern alternative folk. He is currently packing to move his family to Benicia, CA. Said Paul, "(I'm) excited to be playing with guys as dedicated and talented as Lewis and Dave."Junkyard Academy looks forward to his mad skillz, his vocal talent and his laid back and positive attitude come mid November. In the mean time, here are Lewis and Dave at a recent practice session at Dave's place. The song is "Goin' Down" and Lewis wrote it to showcase Dave's ability on Keyboard;
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Musings on Muses....
"Sometimes you have to scribble something down -fast - either before it leaves you or so that it will leave you alone."
As response to this, I offer this...(it was a bit "long" to post as a reply on her blog, in fact it's probably a blog entry, yeah, here it is.....
"It's the same with song writing. My muse lives on my shoulder and is a five and a half inch tall girl wearing half-laced kick boots, black and white striped stockings, a mini-kilt- style skirt, about three or four belts, a tank top,leather jacket, lots of bracelets and necklaces, fingerless fringed red leather gloves, has a bob cut that's either purple or blue and she holds a bat with a nail sticking out the end of it with the word "write" or "inspiration" written on it.
When the ideas come to me, it's usually because she's swung that bat at my ear and won't let go until I finish the song....All the while she's laughing at me.
...Sadistic little mynx."
Friday, September 24, 2010
Bonaparte -- Junkyard Academy (Original) ©2010 by Lewis Nowosad
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Getting Tighter...
We've been practicing for our gig coming up on October 1, 2010 at Angelica's Bistro in Redwood City, CA and we can't wait to share with you the new arrangement for "Jennifer Alone". Rather than everyone playing their respective instruments, Dave will be accompanying on keyboard with Robert, Dave and myself singing.
We've been recording what we've been doing like a football coach and playing it back to ourselves to see what can be changed or to make fun of ourselves, but over all, I've discovered that moving from "solo" to "band", (with actual people playing with me), has been more rewarding than I had anticipated.
Stay tuned for more and thanks for listening!
Junkyard Lewie
Friday, August 27, 2010
You don't need hands to hold someone's heart.
A friend of mine posted this on is Facebook page and after viewing it.....I don't think I need to say much more than, "We're all good enough"
No Arms, No Legs, No Worries.
Sing, Dance, Live.
Junkyard Academy
Monday, August 23, 2010
Falling up....
Provision 1
Plan for a two-day period of time preceding the act to be event-free, ensuring that the subject’s brain is susceptible to open thought (and as little reason as possible) on a subconscious level through the simplest means possible by providing the viewing of copious amounts of satellite television consisting of a mix of reality shows, action thriller movies, cartoons and documentaries, (so as to induce a ‘nap’ state of mind for at least two hours during the aforementioned two-day period).
Provision 2
Ensure the subject is in a horizontal position at an optimal viewing angle to the source of entertainment throughout the execution of provision 1 by providing ample padding, pillows, and, if at all possible, ‘woobies’.
Provision 3
The subject should be urged to stay in bed clothes throughout unless said subject sleeps sans-clothing, in which case, urge for a loose fitting clothing option. Bathing is optional as the only other subject, (spousal relation), within reach should also be in the same state.
Provision 4
Provide subject with only enough sustenance to keep the brain engaged throughout the process. Examples of said sustenance may include such items as; Chips, chocolate, extruded and scientifically packaged square orange cheese, and some form of hydration which may include, (but may not exceed), one cup of coffee.
Provision 5
Be sure to keep the subject awake until such a time as the subject’s eyes begin to redden, water and sag. Only allow 6 to 7 hours of sleep and repeat all provisions on the second day, stopping intermittently only to allow the spousal relation to bake apple muffins and to consume up to but not more than two muffins each.
Provision 6
Allow one subject to go to bed at the acceptable and pre-determined time and allow the other to stay up past his bed time by two and one half hours.
Provision 7
Before the sleep-deprived and addle-brained subject is allowed caffeine on the morning following the experiment, allow said subject to perform a manually dexterous task involving a guitar case, limited vision and stairs
Falling up the stairs.
……no, really, I’m fine…..Where’s my coffee….?
Monday, August 16, 2010
Once more into the beech....
out from under one's equally greased, (and dare I say, overinflated), Bum. What better way to illustrate these little demons of the tree than
by providing an illustration, (motions to my right with white gloves)-->
And for those of you with a penchant for the written word, a definition.

I can hear some of you saying, "well, why did you plant that kind of grass?" or "Why did you plant that tree?" I didn't. We rent to own this place we plan to grow old in, but before that happens and after we buy this place, that tree is going DOWN.
...'think I'll plant a redwood.....
Thursday, August 12, 2010
To dream the egregious dream
....come again?....
....he IS still alive?.....
I'm sure I'm making Andy Williams pause at what he's doing, (perhaps his daily regimen of boxing with the hired help?), to look up a little and go..."hrrm??" when I butcher the title of his song, (so expertly sung by Peter O'Toole in Man of La Mancha), and I know that the definition of the word is really "outstandingly bad, or outrageous", but I'm leaning more toward the latter of the two because well, heck...four years ago, on my fortieth birthday when my lovely wife gave me a guitar, rather than a sports car, (mid-life crisis, indeed), I'd never have considered that I'd be where I am right now.
...what?...sitting in my pajamas, typing up a blog entry from the relative safety from zombies and politicians* {same thing}, in my computer room in a house on a hill in Benicia, California?
Nope, but the the simply "outrageous" thing to me is that with that same guitar, I have managed to pen upwards of 43 some-odd, (some serious), tunes, which, when finally recorded, packaged, sterilized, distributed and forced upon the airwaves *might* just get me to a place where I could get a few sports cars. It can happen.....just sayin'....
*(Yes, these little asterisks are usually found at the bottom of an article, but, hey, this is my blog so 'nyahh'); The fifth definition for the word 'Outrageous' in the Urban Dictionary, (epic-love for this site), reads; "Used to describe the actions of democrats, republicans, or any sort of politician". Oh......(laughing out loud)......I think I just peed a little...
('you ever do that? 'pee a little'?')
So, while forging on with the songwriting, I made a rather pleasant discovery.
And not just any "people", I had a Grammy award winning Ex-A&R Executive from Motown compliment me on my stuff. Why does this man get the moniker of "Ex", well, give the guy a break, if you worked with Eric Clapton, Santana, Prince, Stevie Wonder, Neil Diamond, Marvin Gaye, Jermaine Jackson, Rod Stewart, Diana Ross, David Bowie, The Commodores, Rob Thomas, Wyclef Jean, Rick James, Fleetwood Mac, Sir George Martin (The Beatles producer) Dave Matthews Band, Lauren Hill, INXS, Ice-T, Sly and the Family Stone and Cher, you'd deserve a break to raise some children yourself, wouldn't you? In any case, it's high praise to have a guy like this chat with you on the phone for 45 minutes about your music and subsequently waive his $100.00 an hour rate in favor of a percentage deal, (any lawyers out there who wouldn't mind pouring over a potential contract for me?)
Okay, so I brag......
('you ever do that? 'brag a little'?')
With the band members finally coalescing, (MAN...I never get to use that word, awesome!), with the songs continually being written by not only me, but the other guys involved, with the dedication of everyone involved, (Paul, the Bass player is moving from Indiana to be in the band), and with our upcoming gig at Angelica's Bistro in Redwood City, CA, <--(hit that link!), it's hard not to think that this is all just plain outrageous - but - it is...and it's good.
At the beginning of this year, I just knew that things would start to come together for Junkyard Academy as well as the household with which I share with my lovely wife. All this is proof-positive that there may be something to thinking positive and listening to the universe, rather than rebounding around in it like a nerd in a mosh pit. (there's a visual...)
Bottom line, I've always knew, even as a child, that this life will offer up something simply great, I've just been too preoccupied with the mechanics of it all. Like Alton Brown says about making and omelet;
Okay, so I'm a foodie too, but how this translates into life? Sometimes you gotta step back and let things work rather than forcing them....scrambled eggs is what I got last year when I tried to rush the creative process and those of you in the know just can't rush art.
Enjoy your omelet.